Source: wikiHow
Ginger has a multitude of culinary and medicinal uses. Since ginger can be dense and fibrous, grating ginger can be a difficult task for someone who isn’t prepared for the job. There are different methods for getting the ginger ready, whether you use a grater or other common kitchen utensils.
- 1 Check the ginger for softness or moistness. Ginger should feel solid and should not have any soft spots. Feel around the root with your hands and look for noticeable spots of rot.[1]
- 2 Square up the edges using a chef’s knife. Cut off the ends of the root with a sharp chef’s knife. Cutting a little off of each side will make it easier to hold the ginger rather than working with an irregular shape.[3]
- Try to only cut off a small portion from the edges so you do not waste any of the usable ginger.
- 3 Peel the ginger…
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