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Researchers Reveal Revolutionary Cancer-Detecting Pen For Surgeons

Author: Andrew N. White / Source: Good News Network

EDITOR’S NOTE: We want to bring you this interesting article via iCopyright, but have no control over their ads. Please know that GNN does not endorse the advertisements below…

Researchers from the University of Texas on Monday revealed they’ve created a pen with technology that could diagnose different types of cancer within a matter of seconds.

At a South By Southwest (SXSW) conference, the researchers unveiled a previously discussed device called The MasSpec Pen, which they claim can show evidence of cancer tissue just moments into surgery. Tests published in the journal “Science Translational Medicine” in September touted that the MasSpec Pen has a 96 percent accuracy rate.

The MasSpec Pen is an “automated and biocompatible handheld mass spectrometry device for rapid and non-destructive diagnosis of human cancer tissues,” according to the research group’s website.

The pen reportedly utilizes touch technology to find the disease. The tool “enables controlled and automated delivery of a discrete water droplet to a tissue surface for efficient extraction of…

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