Author: Nancy Shute / Source: Science News

The big science news of this issue, and so far this year, is the first-ever view of a black hole, announced at 9:07 a.m. April 10 by the Event Horizon Telescope collaboration, an international effort that linked radio telescopes around the globe to create a planet-sized “camera.
” This issue of Science News went to press that very afternoon, and we had a marvelous time making sure the news made it in the magazine before we put it to bed. For more black hole news, including a timeline and featuring astronomy writer Lisa Grossman and physics writer Emily Conover, check out our website at we also examine pressing questions much closer to home in this issue. Social sciences writer Sujata Gupta became intrigued by the question of what can be done to help young children with anxiety after she wrote a news article on how mental health problems in preschool often carry over into adulthood (SN Online: 2/3/19). She was eager to find out why.
There’s actually quite a bit of research on mood disorders in the very young, despite the fact that until just a few decades ago it was commonly thought that small children were too immature…
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