Source: Dumb Little Man

Getting a new car is way cheaper than you think. In fact, buying a car on finance can even be less expensive than the monthly cost of a fancy new iPhone, broadband contract or your gym membership!
So, ready to hit the open road?
Here’s how to set your car budget by giving up some of your unnecessary expenses.
Cut: Daily coffee fix
Get: Honda Jazz
It’s easy to fall into the trap of buying a latte on your way to work every day, especially when every other store is a coffee house. But do you really want that expensive coffee or is it simply a force of habit?
The average American spends a whopping $1,100 a year or $91 a month on coffee. Forgo the daily coffee spend and make your own at home instead and you could easily afford to buy a Honda Jazz with those savings. It’s perfect for zooming around the city.
See Also: Top Tips In Buying A Car With Your Significant Other
Cut: Apple iPhone X 64GB
Get: Toyota Aygo
The new Apple iPhone created a buzz as soon as it was released. Unfortunately, the buzz subsided once consumers saw the monthly contract prices that come with the phone- an eye-watering $157 a month!
If you don’t really need the latest smartphone and all its associated tech, why not go for a lesser and cheaper model. Do so and you could afford to buy a Toyota Aygo!
Cut: Monthly nights out
The post Creating A Car Budget: 7 Things You Can Give Up For That Brand New Car appeared first on FeedBox.