Source: Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers
Name: Sam Millar
Location: Norman, Oklahoma/ Whittier middle school.
Day job: student/young maker
How did you start making? I joined the maker movement last year in the sixth grade. It all started when I picked up a copy of Make magazine in the school library.
After looking through it i realized that there was a way for me to follow my dreams of being an engineer and making things. What amazed me was how much I could do at this age. After reading that magazine I made it my mission to learn everything i needed to know to become a maker. I asked for electronics parts and tools for christmas and I watched videos and read articles about how to solder and code. By the end of the year i had made my own small workshop in my garage and had taught myself how to solder, code, wire, design things in CAD, and so much more. I started designing and building original projects and the more i built the more I learned.My love for making really took off when i found out about the makerspace at my school. I spent hours working on projects there and it was a place where i had freedom and means to really make some larger scale things. In one year after becoming a maker i had designed and built my own fm radio, an rc car, a digital watch, an ultrasonic levitator, and many other small projects.
I learned everything i know with no help from adults or teachers and I built every project without any instructions. Everytime i would pick up a copy of Make magazine my imagination would run wild with ideas that were more possible than I ever realized.
What type of maker would you classify yourself as? I am a dreamer…
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