Source: wikiHow
Four Methods:Choosing and Washing Your Bok ChoySlicing the Bok ChoyCutting the Bok Choy Into RectanglesDicing the Bok ChoyCommunity Q&A
A bright green member of the cabbage family, bok choy is a crunchy, fresh and mild-tasting addition to a meal. Packed with nutritious vitamins, great texture and subtle flavor, bok choy is found in many Asian recipes, but this versatile vegetable can be used in salads, soups, stir-fries and more.
Both the leaves and the stalks can be eaten.- 1 Choose bok choy with bright green leaves and crisp stalks. Look for heads with bright green leaves — not yellow or brown — and crisp white stalks without holes or discoloration. Avoid any bok choy bunches that look rubbery or dried out towards the stem. Crunchy is good![1]
- 2 Buy baby bok choy for a milder flavor. Baby bok choy is a smaller variety of bok choy that is just harvested earlier than mature bok choy. The stems are usually thicker and the leaves are smaller. The flavor is usually pretty similar to regular bok choy, but if often milder and more tender.[4]
- Baby bok choy is also appealing because you can cook the vegetable whole without needing to break the leaves apart.[5]
Store your bok choy in a plastic bag in the fridge for up to 5 days. 3 Place your bok choy in a grocery store plastic…
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