Author: Paul Ratner / Source: Big Think
Through computationally intensive computer simulations, researchers have discovered that “nuclear pasta,” found in the crusts of neutron stars, is the strongest material in the universe.

- The strongest material in the universe may be the whimsically named “nuclear pasta. ”
- You can find this substance in the crust of neutron stars.
- This amazing material is super-dense, and is 10 billion times harder to break than steel.
Superman is known as the “Man of Steel” for his strength and indestructibility. But the discovery of a new material that’s 10 billion times harder to break than steel begs the question—is it time for a new superhero known as “Nuclear Pasta”? That’s the name of the substance that a team of researchers thinks is the strongest known material in the universe.
Unlike humans, when stars reach a certain age, they do not just wither and die, but they explode, collapsing into a mass of neurons. The resulting space entity, known as a neutron star, is incredibly dense. So much so that previous research showed that the surface of a such a star would feature amazingly strong material. The new research, which involved the largest-ever computer simulations of a neutron star’s crust, proposes that “nuclear pasta,” the material just under the surface, is actually stronger.
The competition between forces from protons and neutrons inside a neutron star create super-dense shapes that look like long cylinders or flat planes, referred…
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