Source: How-To Geek

If you’re collaborating on a document with several other people, there is always a chance that the content you wanted to remain untouched gets edited. Protect yourself from human error by protecting specific parts of a Word document from editing.
Protecting Specific Content in a Word Document
So you’re getting ready to send out your Word doc, but you want to make sure that certain parts of the document remain untouched.
Instead of leaving this up to trust, you can take advantage of a feature that allows making specific parts of your content read-only, rendering them un-editable.First, go ahead and open the Word document to be protected and head over to the “Review” tab.

Next, click the “Restrict Editing” button.

The “Restrict Editing” pane will appear on the right side of Word. Here, tick the “Allow only this type of editing in the document” checkbox.

Once ticked, you’ll notice the drop-down menu underneath becomes selectable. Make sure “No changes (Read only)” is selected from the menu. You’ll also notice a new “Exceptions” option, but we’ll come back to that later.

Now, you’ll need to select the parts of the document for which you do want editing allowed. Whatever parts you don’t select will…
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