Source: Good News Network

100 years ago today, Iceland gained independence from Denmark. After decades of national unrest over its identity, an agreement was signed that recognized Iceland as a fully sovereign independent state under the Danish crown. (All ties to Denmark were severed 26 years later when Iceland became a republic.) The world’s 18th largest island, it has become a popular tourist destination with its 3000-mile coastline punctuated by fjords, lakes, and glaciers, and its highly geologic landmass full of geysers and volcanoes.
– Featured Photo by Brad Weber, CC license
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- I Want to Hold Your Hand debuted, The Beatles’ first single released in the United States (1963)
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- First World AIDS Day to promote awareness of the disease (1988)
- East Germany‘s parliament abolished the communist party from the constitutional provision that granted it the leading role in governing (1989)
- The Channel Tunnel sections met as the last rocks were cleared 40 meters beneath the seabed connecting the UK and France (1990)
- Vicente Fox was sworn…
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