Author: Samir S. Patel / Source: Atlas Obscura

March 14, 2018, was a Wednesday, Pi Day, 139 years after the birth of Albert Einstein. One-hundred-thirty-nine is a happy prime number. On that day, legendary Cambridge physicist Stephen Hawking passed away.
June 29, 2009, was a Sunday, one day before pyramid schemer Bernie Madoff would get sentenced to 150 years in prison.
Hawking sat in his wheelchair at a cocktail party at Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge, beneath a banner reading, “Welcome Time Travellers.” Invitations were only revealed after the party, so only the host showed up, though he did not provide any specific evidence that he was not himself a time traveler. It was at least partly a stunt for a television show, the sort of combination of serious and silly that Hawking was known for.July 15, 1992, was another Wednesday, the day that Bill Clinton became a presidential nominee. Also, a new issue of the…
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