Author: Trisha Leigh Zeigenhorn / Source: did you know?
Okay, so maybe they’re not losers, but these 15 things are loser-ish. And let’s face it, we’ve all got that nerdy, loser-ish thing that we can’t stop doing.
Embrace it, I say. Crocheting for life!
#15. 100% more relaxing.
“Every day on my lunch break at work I take my lunch to the stairwell and just sit by the window on the top floor and watch youtube videos while I eat .
It may be loser-ish but it’s also 100% more relaxing then listening to people loudly talking in the break room.”
#14. Play video games.
“Play videogames instead of worrying about my future”
#13. All the ideas.
“I add ideas to my Wedding Pinterest Board. I’m not in a relationship, nor engaged.”
#12. Alone in my house.
“Act out conversations with people…alone in my house.”
#11. At least 5 hours a day.
“I spend at least 5 hours a day watching meme compilations and gaming videos. Sometimes I won’t even be watching them. I’ll have them playing in the background as I work. I swear to god I know like every single Vine by heart.”
#10. My precalc teacher.
“go to tutoring everyday because my precal teacher is honestly one of the only people i relate to”
#9. It stung.
“There was a shop that offered to rent rooms by the hour for games. Good for groups of four or six since they offered interactive motion detect games like Just Dance. The console was put at the top middle of the room so it could project the image in the entire surface of a wall. Imagine an enclosed room and an entire section of the wall was the game. It was fun playing with people. I asked my friends out to play there many…
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