Author: Michael Crider / Source:

Bigger isn’t always better. But in the case of mouse pads, it usually is. That’s even more true if you want a huge surface across your entire desk for fast, gaming-grade mice, as in MOBA or strategy games. Here are the best that we’ve found.
These pads are great for bigger desktop setups, especially if you’re in the habit of eating at your desk.
(They’re washable, protecting your desk’s finish while they offer a comfy mousing surface.) They’re less practical for, well, anything else: the fabric surface won’t be great for moving around tools or papers, for example. But if you’re looking to trick out your “battlestation,” these will certainly do the trick.Best Standard Desk Mat: Glorious 3XL Extended ($50)

Forty bucks gets you an “extended” mouse pad that’s longer and taller than any of the offerings from more mainstream suppliers like Razer or Corsair. This pad is 48 inches by 24 inches, enough to completely cover a small desk, including the area under a typical monitor and speakers.
Unlike some even larger options, this one comes with a stitched edge that’s resistant to frays on the fabric top. The design is also machine washable, so it’s easy to clean. If you’re looking for a solution that doesn’t require any custom cutting or ordering, this is it.
Best Oversized Desk Mat: Battlestation Depot…
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