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A forest of immensely tall and unusually straight oak trees planted nearly 200 years ago to build naval ships that never came to be.

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The trees were groomed over the years to be remarkably straight and tall.
One of the tall oak trees in the Visingsö Oak Forest. hrnick (Atlas Obscura User)
By the time they were ready the need for ship timber was long gone. Statens fastighetsverk (CC BY 2.0)
A lane through the Visingsö Oak Forest. hrnick (Atlas Obscura User)
The wood is used for the highest quality whisky barrels today. Statens fastighetsverk (CC BY 2.0)

There is good reason that oak has traditionally been used in shipbuilding. The wood is incredibly strong, and if tended just right, the grain is straight and true. Going back to the Vikings, the slow-growth trees have been used in Sweden for vessels of all kinds, including naval ships. On…

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