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How Do I Get My Dishwasher To Stop Leaving White Powdery Film On My Glasses?

Source: Dumb Little Man


Do you get that white powdery film on your glasses after you clean them in the dishwasher? Isn’t that annoying?

Well, the good news is that removing white residue on glasses is actually easy. Here are a few things you can do make your glasses spotless after wash:

Dishwasher Cleaning and Maintenance

Via howtocleanthings. com

The first thing you want to do is to ensure that your dishwasher parts are clean and in good working order. After that, you can proceed with the following steps:

  1. Clean out the dishwasher garbage trap of any old food, hair or dirt particles. There might be clumps of dishwasher soap in there also. Remove the trap screen and wash with vinegar to make for a more thorough cleaning process.
  2. Then, get a towel or brush and manually scrub the interior part of the dishwasher. Remove the parts and clean them thoroughly. Check underneath them for caked soap.
  3. Use the same vinegar solution with plenty…

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