Author: Jim Stolze / Source: The Next Web

From keeping our inboxes free from SPAM to mining your favorite cryptocurrencies, algorithms are all around us. While we feel like we’re drowning in an ocean of big data, clever algorithms are actually helping us to make sense of it all. And although these algorithms are ruling the world, we seem to know very little about them.
How do they work? By whom were they created?I decided to ask the top experts (professors and professionals) which algorithms they think made the biggest contribution to artificial intelligence and science in general. All answers will be at display at the official Algorithm Hall of Fame, but for now we’re giving you the exclusive.
Siraj Raval: “I believe the gradient descent algorithm has had the biggest impact in artificial intelligence.”
As always Siraj is right on the money. The one algorithm that’s used in almost every Machine Learning (ML) model is Gradient Descent. There are a few variations of the algorithm but this, essentially, is how any ML model learns. Without this, ML wouldn’t be where it is right now and AI…
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