Source: Dumb Little Man
Believe it or not, you can actually use social media in studying. In fact, based on Social Learning Theory, we learn best when we interact with people.
This is because we are social creatures and we tend to perform the best when there are people around us.
And that includes studying.Once you get serious about your education, you then realize that you must take the hand of as many resources as you can. Studies reveal that more and more students, like yourself, believe that the technology they use to study should have the same format as social media.
Social media can help you in many ways if you use it wisely. For instance, let’s say you need help with picking a topic for your next essay. Now, if you google essay topics, you will get tons of resources. But if you go to social media, you will find suggestions by real people based on real experiences.
Let´s take a look at the specific ways that social media can help students study.
Connections and Community
When it comes to intensive and in-depth projects and group work, social media allows you to centralize all your knowledge to make communication more efficient. For instance, you can create a hashtag such as #Economy101 to have people connect under the same topic. You now can build a community where everyone contributes with their piece of knowledge.
Think of all the interactions and connections that can take place on a Facebook page or group. Forums are a great place to make questions and get answers. You can even invite the professor to join this group or the chats.
Social media is all about sharing. Most of our FB friends share everything from their location and activities to the one-hundred pictures of their weekend that nobody is going to see. Now, you also get the opportunity of sharing…
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