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People Reveal the Biggest Revelations They Had About Their Parents as They Got Older

Author: Matt Gilligan / Source: did you know?

When you’re young, your parents seem invincible and like they can do no wrong…and also they’re always right and you’re always wrong.

But once you get a little bit older, you realize that they are just human beings with flaws and fears like the rest of us.

AskReddit users revealed the biggest revelations they had about their parents as they got older. If your an adult with parents these will likely ring a lot of bells.

1. Stayed together for the kids

“That my parents HATED each other, but stayed married for over 18 years because of us kids. They faked being nice to each other to the almost very end of their marriage, even then they didn’t fight in front of us kids. My Dad dealt with it mostly with alcohol. My Mom was on all sorts of high end 1970’s prescription drugs.

After over 30 years of being divorced, and both having remarried, they STILL, to this day, make snide comments about each other and truly hate being in the same room.”

2. Oh…

“My mom drinks a bit, and as her children have moved out and on, the quantity she’ll drink each night with/after dinner has increased quite a bit. Anyway, recently she told me that she can’t drive at night anymore due to cataracts. I kind of went “alright that makes sense” because her 90 year old father has cataracts as well.

Yesterday I read a nonfiction piece called “Why Aren’t You Laughing?” About the author’s mother and her relationship with alcohol. In it, his mother uses the exact same excuse, and he states that he and his sisters knew that the real reason was she was too drunk by sundown to drive.

That was a really big “Oh” moment for me. I had to put the book down for a few minutes after I read that section.”

3. Hiding feelings

“My mom was a nurse in the neo-natal unit (premature babies). There’d be days she’d come home and it was obvious she’d been crying. At the time I’d give her a hug and tell it to feel better then go play outside or back to my video games not thinking much of it – I was ten.

It wasn’t until my senior year in high-school that it dawned on me, that often the reason she had been crying was because a baby had died on her shift. I can’t even imagine having to deal with that on a semi regular basis.

She later told me she was often responsible for supporting the parents and one of her talents was making clay moulds of the deceased babies hands as a keepsake for the parents. Thinking about doing that and having to make the moulds, made me realize that my mom was the most incredibly strong and compassionate person I’d ever known.”

4. They handled it well

“How poor we were and how well they handled it. We weren’t extremely poor to the point where we were homeless, but as I got older and started to penny pinch I realized how much my parents had to. We regularly had grilled cheese or eggs for dinner which I now realize is because they’re relatively inexpensive.

Our vegetables were always grown in our tiny garden. Our grandmother was our only babysitter. My father worked triple overtime and my mother worked double. My mother would “splurge” on a box of wine that would last a…

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