If you buy a Chromebook that has been out for a while, there’s a small chance it could have an issue downloading the latest OS updates. Fortunately, getting your Chromebook to a completely up-to-date state isn’t impossible.
It’s unclear why this failure happens, but if a Chromebook sits on the same build for too long, it simply can’t pull the latest version from Google servers.
Instead, it will kick back an error or tell you that the system is up to date when you know it isn’t.The first solution is the simplest: change channels, then change back.
How to Change Channels on your Chromebook
Open the Settings menu by clicking the system tray and then the gear icon.

From there, click the “About Chrome” option. On the About page, you should see a “Change Channel” button under the “Channel” section. If you’re using the Material Design settings page (as I am in the screenshot below), this option is found under the “Detailed…
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