Author: Lucy Purdy / Source: Positive News
At Morning Gloryville breakfast raves, people let loose in a party atmosphere. Part of the movement’s runaway success, explains its founder, is that it creates intense connection – strictly free from booze or drugs
“I used to drink and take drugs to gain confidence, to connect with people,” says Samantha Moyo, ‘founding mother’ of the conscious clubbing movement Morning Gloryville.
Five years ago, having decided to leave a hedonistic lifestyle behind, Moyo wondered if there was a way to recreate the thrill and escapism of raving while remaining sober.The result has now gone worldwide: there have been Morning Gloryville events in 14 countries, from Spain to Singapore, from Toronto to Tokyo.
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“Now, I can be that same wild, crazy woman with the confidence I’ve built up over time,” says Moyo. “Our events create the world we want: one in which we compliment, connect and we’re not afraid of strangers. Where we don’t feel we need Dutch courage: the courage is instilled in us already. It’s…
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