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Hearthstone’s The Witchwood builds on Year of the Mammoth’s best ideas

Author: Mike Minotti / Source: VentureBeat

Blizzard Entertainment has revealed Hearthstone‘s next expansion, The Witchwood. The set includes 130 new cards, including new Keywords that introduce new mechanics and strategies. The expansion also adds another single-player experience that will follow a similar formula to Kobolds & Catacombs’ Dungeon Runs, building on one of the game’s best ideas from the Year of the Mammoth.

Hearthstone is the leader in the digital card game market. The free-to-play game for PC and mobile depends on microtransactions, which largely come from selling digital card packs. New expansions drive sales of cards. This set also marks the start of the Year of the Raven, a rotation in the game’s standard cycle that will move cards from older sets out of eligibility in Hearthstone’s Standard formats.

The Witchwood is themed around witches and the Worgen, the Warcraft universe’s take on werewolves. To follow this theme, at least one of the new cards will change in your hand every turn. The below Pumpkin Peasant will switch from 2 attack and 4 health to stats of 4/2.

Above: Pumpkin Peasant.

The set also introduces the new Echo keyword. You can play an Echo card multiple times a turn as long as you can afford them.

Above: Phantom Militia.

It also adds the Rush keyword. This is more of a definition for types of cards that already exist, which can attack other minions…

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