Source: Good News Network

Today is Bodhi Day— the Buddhist holiday commemorating the day when the Buddha (Siddhartha Gautauma) first experienced enlightenment (in sanskrit, known as bodhi) while sitting under a tree and meditating. The former prince had recently given up years of self-enforced fasting, service, and poverty and resolved to sit under a tree and simply meditate until he could finally find the root of suffering and how to liberate oneself from it… (300-600 BCE)
The deep silence brought an awareness of several Noble Truths. As the morning star rose in the sky in the early morning, Siddhartha Gautauma finally found the answers he sought, became enlightened, and experienced Nirvana: By behaving decently, cultivating discipline, and practicing mindfulness and meditation, an end can be put to craving, to clinging, to our aversion to what is not pleasurable, and…
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