Source: Good News Network

Next time you’re faced with a stressful situation, this new study says that you can keep your blood pressure and stress levels under control simply by thinking about your romantic partner — and it is apparently just as effective as having your partner in the same room.
A new study from the University of Arizona asked 102 participants to complete a stressful task: submerging their foot into 3 inches of cold water ranging from 38 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
Researchers measured participants’ blood pressure before and after the task.The participants, all of whom were in committed romantic relationships that had lasted longer than a month, were randomly assigned to one of three conditions when completing the task. One group had their significant other sitting quietly in the same room with them during the task; another group was instructed to think about their romantic partner as a source of support during the task; and the final group was instructed to think about their day during the task as a control.
Surprisingly, the group that was only required to think about their partner had a much lower blood pressure response to the cold water than the control group. Not only that, the group that focused on the mental image of their partner showed the same rate of decreased blood pressure as the group…
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