Author: Akina Chargualaf / Source: Lifehack
As human beings, we are capable of extraordinary things. We have the power to endure extreme physical and mental lengths while welcoming life’s most unexpected challenges, hardships, and check-ins. Sometimes life gets the best of us and then begins the long journey to rise up again.
These huge and deep revolutionary life check-ins happens to every single living person – all 7.3 billion people on this planet, which most of us call an existential crisis.
In this article, I’ll explain what an existential crisis is and what you can do if you face this crisis.
What Is an Existential Crisis?
An existential crisis is when you begin to question your life’s purpose or what the purpose of our existence as a whole. These moments tend to surface when we are feeling stacked up against the wall as the emotions of stress, defeat, and unfulfillment arises and the yearning to know life’s biggest answers continue to grow deep within us.
Other times, it’s the feeling of misplacement or when the thoughts of failure continue to dig into our minds, and the answers that we’ve been seeking for have not yet been found.
The thing is – the big answers to life are always subjective to a person, and that itself is perfectly okay.
There’s no right or wrong answer to go about this, but here are some ways in how to deal with an existential crisis and live a happy life again.
What Causes an Existential Crisis
There are different matters that provoke the heart that can then lead to emotional outbursts or distress.
Always remember that people define having an existential crisis differently, and a variety of matters can trigger them. Here are some examples:
- Feeling socially misplaced in an environment or peers
- Domino effect of failures transcending at once
- Over-exhaustion of mental energy
- Losing a loved one
- Not being “where you want” in life
One of the most common causes come from feeling invisible or unwelcome by a certain group or environment.
Part of life is being integrated within a community, and sometimes the feeling of our existence comes from the acceptance of outside forces. Our place in society is reinforced by the attention we receive from other people, and as a result, we being to question our successes, happiness, and even our purpose in the world. Little do we realize that those questions harden the compassion we have for ourselves because they are overruled by self-created pressure and stress. Stress is a response to threat in a situation, so ask yourself if the stress is self-inflicted.
Is Existential Crisis Takes Place Once in a Lifetime?
We do not only go through one, but multiple existential crisis in our lifetime.
By noticing that there may be an underlying pattern, you are able to take that control and lead a life fulfilled by happiness and ease. It just takes answering some internal questions and reexamining your trigger points that may help bring some answers to the surface.
Having an existential crisis weighs heavily on one’s mind and spirit. Although it can be subjective to a person, it’s safe to say that many people have come across this “check-in” not once but multiple times in their life whether it be because of a breakup, change in career, death of someone, and even in the midst of reaching milestones.
How to Deal with an Existential Crisis
1. Check-In with Your Ego
The ego has the power to navigate your mind
and your thought process only if you allow it. Of course, ego is a natural human…
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