Author: Chris Hoffman / Source:

Apple doesn’t have a written policy that guarantees how long it supports each release of macOS with security updates. But you can quickly check to see which versions of macOS Apple is still updating, and they tend to support the most recent three versions.
Apple Has No Official Written Policy
Apple doesn’t provide a written statement that guarantees how long it will support each release of macOS with security updates. Apple doesn’t even publicly say when an operating system is “end of life” and is no longer receiving updates. They just stop releasing updates for old versions of macOS with no announcement, and you’re on your own.
This is very unusual if you’re used to dealing with Microsoft Windows. Microsoft publishes their Windows support lifecycle, which spells out precisely (and guarantees) how long each product will receive different types of updates. For example, you can see on that page that for Windows 7 Service Pack 1, mainstream support (new feature releases and minor updates) ended in 2015, but extended support (security updates) goes on until 2020.
Apple does still has a plan, though, even if they don’t describe it publicly. For quite a few years, Apple has consistently updated the last three versions of macOS—in other words, the current release of macOS and the last two releases—with security updates. So, assuming Apple releases a new version of macOS every year, each…
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