Author: Jillian Michaels / Source: Big Think
Jillian Michaels has been a fitness expert and wellness coach for over 20 years. In addition, she owned and operated a sports medicine facility, where she worked as a physical therapy aide under the physiatrists, physical therapists, and chiropractors.
Jillian’s passion for fitness training originates from 17 years of martial arts practice in Muay Thai and Akarui-Do, in which she holds a black belt. Since 1993, Jillian has held two personal training certificates from the leading certification programs in the country: the National Exercise & Sports Trainers Association and the Aerobics and Fitness Association of America. In addition she is Kettlebell Concepts certified. Jillian has also developed a continuing education series for trainers with AFAA and holds a nutrition and wellness consultant certificate with the American Fitness Professionals and Associates.Books, DVDs, and video games —…
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