Source: Neatorama

With the emergence and rising popularity of on-demand streaming sites, the nature of our consumption has transformed and with it, our habits, values, and perspective of the world have changed as well, influenced by how it is being presented on media.
The medium with which we get information and entertainment has become a ubiquitous part of our daily lives so much so that not only do we spend most of our time in it but also much of our socialization revolves around it.
Now, we are in the age of binge-watching and the mechanisms that had captured our attentions through the wonders of TV and movies have now become intensified with streaming sites offering us an unlimited number of shows with no interruptions.
It is now slowly shaping the way we behave – spending hours on end of late-night viewing to catch up on our favorite shows, even doing weeklong movie and TV marathons.
It also affects what type of content we consume preferring bite-sized information that we would use to make opinions…
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