Source: Bored Panda
Albinism is an inherited condition that effects pigment in the skin, hair and eyes, causing vulnerability to the sun and bright light. Because of a lack of melanin, almost all people born with albinism are visually impaired and are prone to developing skin cancer, but are otherwise perfectly healthy and can live long and fulfilling lives.
5-year-old Elijah Enwerem from Willenhall, England, has always been a little shy about being different but is learning to embrace his unique looks after getting modeling contracts for Primark, a UK-based clothing store.

“Elijah’s dad and I had no knowledge that we were carriers of the condition. As far as we are aware no one in our immediate family has ever had the condition,” Elijah’s mom Lucy told Bored Panda. “The main difficulty is the effect on the eyes…. Elijah has nystagmus (wobbly eyes) and although he is lucky because his null point is straight in front it can make his eyes tired and give him headaches. It also affects the level of his vision, so he is classed as having “low vision”… this means he doesn’t see things with the same clarity as you or I. His vision was assessed a few weeks ago and we were told currently he would not be able to drive a car when he is older. He also has photosensitivity- bright light really hurts. In summer he often squints his eyes outside and under bright lights, he complains about the pain. When he was a tiny baby he would scream constantly and I think knowing now more about the condition it was probably due to this – he was born near to summer and we would spend lots of time outside.”

“Despite all of the attention, Elijah remained very shy about his looks – he refused to engage with people even though they would often come up on the street and touch him. Since he has been modelling his confidence has grown massively. He will politely thank people if they say how amazing his hair is or how beautiful he is. Previously he would growl!”

“I have overheard him telling other children: ‘Do you do know that I’m Black really? If you took off my skin my blood is Black. My blood is African.’ This was after our attempts to explain his albinism and the differences that he has from his little brother. He also once said ‘do you know mommy I’m supposed to be brown’ I answered ‘no Elijah, you are exactly as the universe…
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