Author: Alexandru Micu / Source: Good News Network

EDITOR’S NOTE: We want to bring you this exciting article via iCopyright, but have no control over their ads. Please know that GNN does not endorse the advertisements below…
Three-dimensional printed cars will soon find their way to driveways and cul-de-sacs all across the world as the first mass-produced vehicle of its kind aims to revolutionize the auto industry.
Cars are a pretty big investment. They are also quite necessary for some and quite desirable for others. So why not keep the second part but drop the price? That’s what Italian-based electric car company XEV and 3D-printing material company Polymaker want to achieve with a tiny but adorable car called the LSEV.
“XEV is the first real mass production project using 3D printing,” said Dr. Luo Xiaofan, co-founder and CEO of Polymaker, during a recent press conference at the 3D-Printing Cultural Museum in Shanghai.
“By saying real, I mean there are also lots of other companies using 3D printing for production. But nothing can really compare with XEV…
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