Anyone who’s torn through a bowl of popcorn in one sitting knows that salty snacks can be dangerously addictive. A new study published in The Journal of Clinical Investigation [PDF] suggests that more than the snack’s taste fuels our insatiable eating habits. The more salt we ingest, the more water we retain, which may leave us still feeling hungry after a snack binge.
As MDC Insights reports, the findings come from a group of international researchers looking at “cosmonauts” on simulated flights to Mars. Two groups, each made up of 10 male volunteers, were fed meals that were identical in every aspect except for salt content. Subjects eating the saltier diet produced more urine, which came as no surprise to the researchers.
It’s the common belief that salty food makes people want to drink more, thus making them pee more. On a Mars mission where every ounce of water equals more money spent on fuel,…
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