Author: Amanpreet Singh / Source: Lifehack
Amanpreet Singh is a soulful blogger by passion and a mindful businessman by profession. From the negatives of depression to the positives of meditation, he loves sharing his experiences from the inner world. Read full profile
Doesn’t matter whether it’s a 9 to 5 job or you work in shifts; is it a satisfactory job?
Ain’t you tired of the monotony or should I ask:
Didn’t you ever feel like quitting your unfulfilling job?
Realizing your materialistic needs is important but do you love your means to earn bread?
Too many questions… I’m sure you want to answer none.
But don’t worry, most people are on the same leaky boat!
Wondering What’s Wrong?
As a teenager, you dream; you aspire. You are exuberant enough to chase those crazy dreams.
But as you grow older, the zeal seems to fade away. That drop-down in intensity level sets a foundation for a compromise.
You don’t persist with even one dream.
What’s worse, you give different names to your choice to back out. You blame people and situations as per your convenience.
Alas! those vivid dreams lose to your sub-conscious mind.
But before you get disheartened, here’s an interesting fact:
The real Col. Sanders was an entrepreneur who didn’t become a professional chef until he was 40, didn’t franchise Kentucky Fried Chicken until he was 62, and didn’t become an icon until after he sold his company at 75.[1]
So yes, though it’s tough to quit your tiring job; it’s easier than you think.
And when you have realized your existing job is not leading to happiness, it’s time to change!
Desperate for super easy solutions?
How to Quit Your Unfulfilling Job And Follow Your Aspiring Career
Here’s a list of 19 simple actionable steps to quit your unfulfilling job and follow your aspiring career:
1. Step out of Your Comfort Zone
One big reason you are compromising today is your repulsion to challenge the boundaries of your comfort zone. You don’t want to raise the bar.
You move on subconsciously making emotional adjustments and self-harming sacrifices.
Not anymore; it’s time to challenge it!
The clock is ticking and you need to flow with time. That is how you welcome the new. It is one of the major steps in breaking the monotony of an unsatisfactory job.
Not sure about stepping out of your comfort zone still? Read this article:
2. Get Rid of the Memories from Your Existing Job
Most of the times, it is your past which doesn’t allow you to liberate yourself in the present. Your memories from the current job are dominant over your memories you want to create.
Come on! You are stronger than you think. You need to detach yourself from those sweet-sour memories. Only then, you could take a big leap towards self-realization.
Here’s the deal:
A beautiful future awaits you where every moment is so blissful you’ll not recall the past to trigger a memory.
Learn how to let go of the past:
3. Listen to Your Gut
The problem is everyone has access to the locker of your right-wrong beliefs, but not you. You listen to everyone and lose your conscious decision.
Why don’t you back yourself?
If you don’t love what you are doing and you want to quit your unfulfilling job, QUIT.
Why do you restrict yourself?
Only you have the answers to your uncertainties. Stop seeking answers from others. Ask yourself receptively. You’ll unlock all the mysteries about yourself.
Here’s some advice for you:
4. Get Excited to Fail
Sounds silly? It’s not:
Success is an elusive mask covering many lifeless faces of failures.
In case you don’t know, if Thomas Edison hadn’t failed, he might not have become America’s most well-known and prolific innovator.[2] And there are even more examples like this:
The pursuit of your dream career is full of struggles and failures. And unless you are ready to fail many times, you are ineligible to succeed.
Only if you settle with your current job which is unsatisfying will you be a real failure. The excitement to fail on the other side is unmatched. Worth a shot!
5. Disallow Social Environment to Control You
If there were no cameras, every soul would tell an interesting story.[3]
I’m sorry but your social environment is bullying you. You have become a puppet to people.
People define your journeys and destinations, and you are losing big time.
Wake up call!
Cut the chord with your social environment which is not only polluting your personal but also your professional environment:
6. Do Not over Analyze, Execute
Intelligent people are particularly prone to the overthinking that can cause analysis paralysis and lead to a failure to make decisions or take action.[4]
Yes, you are intelligent but you need to be smarter! Never allow your intelligence to become a hindrance in quitting your unfulfilling job.
Thinking and planning are important aspects of a visionary, but never allow overthinking to take a toll on the execution.
Take small steps rather than thinking about giant leaps. Divide your goal into small targets; make…
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