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Brazilian scientists produce mini-brains with eyes

Author: Robby Berman / Source: Big Think

  • Mini-brains, or “neural organoids,” are at the cutting edge of medical research.
  • This is the first one that’s started developing eyes.
  • Stem cells are key to the growing of organoids of various body parts.

Organoids are tiny, self-organized tissue cultures. They’re comprised of stem cells that can be programmed to replicate naturally occurring tissue.

Using them, scientists can grow mini organs of various types for research purposes, and, not surprisingly, there’s a lot of interest in mini-brains. Researchers from the D’Or Institute for Research and Education (IDOR) have announced the creation of one that includes retinal cells — primitive eyes.


Neural, or cerebral, organoids begin with cells extracted from skin or urine cells of volunteers. These cells are converted into undifferentiated stem cells first, and then into neurons and other nervous system cells. Immersed in nutrient-rich fluid suspensions and carefully agitated, mini-brains emerge through a self-regulated process of agglomeration.

The resulting organoids “partly reproduce fetal brain development in vitro,” says earlier research from IDOR’s team, led by Stevens K. Rehen. Incomplete as organoids are, they nonetheless constitute “a demonstration that it is possible to repeat, in the laboratory, increasingly advanced gradients of human brain development,” he says. They provide a platform for studying…

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