Do you want to know what’s holding you back? Unlike conventional wisdom, it’s got nothing to do with how much money you have, a lack of education, or a limited social network. Of course, these are all factors which contribute to your overall success, but the one factor that will make or break you all comes down to a belief in yourself.
Unfortunately, with the amount of external pressure a person receives in this day and age, a person’s beliefs are no longer his or her own. With an abundance of information and influence coming from parents, peers, partners, television, internet, billboards and social media, it is hard to find space to make up your own mind these days.
Signs you need to switch to a self-actualized mindset
The ability to remove yourself from these channels of influence and control your own mind and emotions means adopting a self-actualized mindset.
People who do not have the ability to self-actualize usually demonstrate the following traits:
• An inability to make up their own mind
• Indecisiveness
• Anxiety and emotional stress
• Fear of taking risks and new challenges
• Self-criticism
Characteristics of a Self-Actualized Mindset
Self-actualization is a process of moving away from these symptoms and heightening your sense of self-awareness, but not in a way where you overly and unjustifiably become negative on yourself. Rather, self-actualization involves looking at oneself in the mirror and being critical in a way that positively leads to pragmatic changes.
A self-actualized person tends to:
• Reach his or her own conclusions without external influences
• Recognize…
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