Author: Donald Latumahina / Source: Life Optimizer

I like video games. That doesn’t mean that I play them, however (many games take too much time these days). But I do keep myself updated with the world of gaming.
From watching the trends, I notice two things:
- Many popular games come and go.Remember Pokemon Go? It was all the rage back in 2016. But nowadays, I barely hear of it anymore. That’s the fact with many popular games: they come and go.
- Some games are ‘evergreen.’ On the other hand, there are some games that are still popular years after their initial release. A good example is the Civilization series (or Civ, for short). It was first released in 1991, but now, 28 years later, it’s still going strong.
From these facts, I believe we can learn something for our personal effectiveness. The big question that we want to answer is this:
How can I stay relevant?
This is an important question to answer. We, of course, don’t want to be outdated and forgotten. Instead, we want to still be relevant for years to come.
To answer the question, I extracted three tips from how evergreen games work. Here are the three tips on how to stay relevant.
1. Find Your Core Competence
Evergreen games…
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