Author: Paul Michael / Source: Wise Bread

Full disclosure: I work in TV. I am a creative director at a premium cable channel, and I can tell you right now that I get paid to watch TV. I don’t watch it all day, every day. But I do spend some portions of my week watching series from my own network, and occasionally, competitor networks and stations.
I love my job. I love being able to read scripts and watch series, in many cases a year before they hit the airwaves. And I can assure you, there are many opportunities for you to earn money doing something you love — watching TV. Here are just a few.
1. Work for a company that airs TV series and movies
Let’s start with my own personal area of expertise. From HBO, Showtime, and STARZ, to Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon, there are thousands of jobs available in the TV and movie industry. You may think that the only people getting paid to watch TV at these companies are high-end executives and producers, but that’s not the case. In my own company, everyone from IT and legal, to HR and creative services, has access to a wide variety of movies and series.
We are often required to watch our own series to be educated on what our own company does, much like employees at a brewery get free ale and hotel employees get free rooms. The more you know about what your company does, the better you are at your job. We also have companywide screenings of series and movies, and similar companies do the same for their employees, too.
If this sounds like the field for you, take some time to search the career web pages of any company offering TV and movie services. You may be surprised at the opportunities available.
2. Start your own YouTube channel
It’s a slow burn, but if you’re willing to invest the time and a little money, it can really pay off. As you probably know, there are a lot of wealthy YouTubers out there. Some of them create original content, some are comedians, some play video games. And, some watch TV and movies and record their reactions, or provide reviews of the latest movies and series. In fact, there are even YouTubers who review YouTube review channels! That’s some Inception-level stuff right there.
The best way to start on this path is to review the movies you either really love … or really hate. Audiences love both kinds of reviews, with the latter usually being more funny and satirical. All you need to start is a computer or smartphone with a decent camera (if you use a phone, get a tripod).
Record your review, upload it, and share over social media. As you get more comfortable, start adding graphics and some simple cutaways using basic editing software. As your views and subscribers grow, you can monetize your YouTube page, and eventually, if you’re big enough, see some major dollars roll…
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