Source: Bored Panda
We don’t like to beat a dead horse here at Bored Panda, but PETA has opened a can of worms and gotten on people’s goat again, by being pig-headed. Taking aim at popular animal-based idioms like these, the animal rights organization hopes that ‘anti-animal language’ or ‘Speciesism’ will one day be put in the same bracket as things like racism or homophobia, and vanish from everyday use.

Handily, somebody from PETA even went as far as suggesting alternatives to the phrases that they feel “trivialize cruelty to animals” so instead of ‘bringing home the bacon,’ we’ll all be ‘bringing home the bagels’ instead.

The post PETA Asks People To Stop Using “Anti-Animal” Phrases And People Can’t Help But Laugh appeared first on FeedBox.