Author: Hayley Milliman / Source:

If you don’t want to show decimal values in Excel, you can simplify your numerical data using the ROUND functions. Excel offers three functions: ROUND, ROUNDUP, and ROUNDDOWN. Let’s take a look at how they work.
Using the ROUND functions in Excel is different than changing the number’s format.
When you change how a number is formatted, you’re just changing how it looks in your workbook. When you change a number using the ROUND functions, you’re changing how it looks and how it’s stored.The ROUND function rounds numbers to a specified number of decimal places. It rounds a number down if the digit in the next decimal place to the right is between zero and four, and it rounds up if that digit is five to nine. And as you might expect, the ROUNDUP function always rounds up and the ROUNDDOWN function always rounds down.
Round Off Decimal Values Using the ROUND Function
The ROUND function rounds numbers to a certain number of decimal places that you configure. If the next digit to the right is between zero and four, it rounds down. So, for example, if you were rounding down to two decimal places, 8.532 would become 8.53. If the next digit is between five and nine, it rounds up. So, 8.538 would become 8.54. The ROUND function can round numbers to the right or left of the decimal point.
You can apply the format to empty cells or to cells that already have numbers in them. You can also use ROUND as part of a more complicated formula if you want to. For example, you could create a formula that adds two columns together using the SUM function, and then rounds the result.
For this example, we’ve got a column of numbers named “Values” that contains our raw numbers. We’re creating a second column named “Results” that we’re going to use to round down the numbers in the “Values” column to three digits.
Select the cell where you want your rounded results to go.
Navigate to the “Formulas” menu on the main ribbon.
Click the “Math & Trig” formulas drop-down menu.
On the “Math & Trig” drop-down menu, click the “ROUND” function.
This pops up the Function Arguments window with the fields you’ll use for setting the ROUND function.
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