Author: Oliver Haslam / Source: How-To Geek

The way iOS handles notifications has always been less than ideal, but iOS 12 goes some way to improving matters. Part of that is the new ability to change how notifications are handled, right from within the Notification Center.
With the arrival of iOS 12, Apple made it possible for people to receive a notification, decide that they don’t want ever to have to see it again, and then make that happen all without going spelunking into the often confusing world of the Settings app.
That’s a great improvement for usability and one that hopefully means developers will think twice before spamming their users with notifications.Managing notifications from the Notification Center is a great way of making sure you never see that irritating game’s request for your time again. That’s almost worth the upgrade to iOS 12 alone. Once you’ve done that and received one-too-many irritating notifications, instead…
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