Source: wikiHow
Three Parts:Getting the Kitten Comfortable with YouPlaying and Interacting with the KittenIntroducing Other Cats and ExperiencesCommunity Q&A
Early socialization will help your kitten grow up to become a well-adjusted cat who’s confident around people. Work with your kitten as soon as possible so it becomes comfortable and secure around you.
You’ll need to gain the kitten’s trust by playing and interacting with it every day. Once the kitten is familiar with you, introduce it to new experiences and interactions.- 1 Begin socializing your kitten as soon as its eyes open. Although kittens are blind and deaf for the first few weeks of life, they’ll soon start paying attention to their surroundings. Once the kitten’s eyes open, you can start to touch and interact with it. This usually happens when the kitten is around 2 weeks old.[1]
- If the mother cat trusts you, you should be able to touch the kittens starting when they’re 3 days old. However, if the mother cat growls, hisses, or seems uneasy about the interaction, it’s best to leave the kittens alone.
- 2 Offer the kitten food so it becomes comfortable with you. Choose a time of day when the kitten is usually hungry and place a small dish of wet cat food in front of it or its open cage. If you prefer, place a little of the wet food on the end of your clean finger and hold it out to the kitten.[2]
- The kitten will begin develop positive associations between the wet food and you.
- As the kitten becomes more comfortable with you, it may want to sit in your lap to eat food off of your finger.
- 3 Pet the kitten’s head and shoulders to familiarize the cat with you. Use your index and middle fingers to stroke the kitten’s head and shoulders. If the kitten is comfortable with you, place it in your lap or hold it securely in your hands. If the kitten runs away from you, offer it a little food on your finger.[3]
- Talk with the kitten while you’re touching it so it becomes used to the sound of your voice. You can say the kitten’s name to build familiarity with it.
- 4 Distract an anxious mother with some food. If the mother cat shows signs of unease, such as growling or snatching the kitten back when you try to handle it, distract her with some food and talk to her in a calm, reassuring voice.[4]
- If she wants, let her touch noses with the kitten so she realizes that the kitten is safe.
- It will also help if you gently pet the kitten and mother so the more gets more comfortable with your scent.
- 5 Hold the kitten securely to your chest for at least 15 minutes a day. Once the kitten is comfortable with having you touch it, set the kitten on a towel and wrap it around the kitten’s body. Pick up the kitten and bring it to your chest. Talk to the kitten as you hold it so the kitten feels safe with you.[5]
- The more you hold the young kitten, the better. The kitten will be more trusting and easier to socialize.
- 1 Play with the kitten every day. Make time to play at least 15 minutes with your kitten every day. Playing will keep your kitten active…
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