Author: Andy Corbley / Source: Good News Network
Most people have, at some point in their lives, worked in the restaurant or hospitality field and had to grapple with the ludicrous notion of throwing away perfectly good food—either scraping off the plates of picky-eating guests, or throwing out all the products that have passed their “sell by” dates.
We come to realize that despite our parents and grandparents warning us about starving children in China or Africa, we tend to waste and throw out food before considering any other solution.
Enter Philabundance: a nonprofit that combats food waste in Pennsylvania by gathering excess milk from farms across the state and turning it into food for the hungry and homeless.
When dairy farms produce things like butter, a leftover layer of skim milk is cleared away and stored to make fat-free dairy products – but due to a significant drop in America’s interest in milk consumption; medical studies revealing unhealthy aspects of dairy; and concerns over the standards of animal care and exploitation in the industry, many people have begun turning to milk substitutes instead.
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Pennsylvania lost 120 local dairy farmers in 2016 alone, and many of those remaining didn’t have the financial wiggle-room to pay…
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