The Nintendo Switch comes with a meager 32GB of storage. You can expand your storage with an SD card, but that’s still a pretty small amount of space on your console. Here are several ways you can clear up internal storage space, or at least offload some of that data to an SD card.
By default, if you have an SD card installed in your Switch, the console will automatically store downloaded games and screenshots to it until it’s full. If you started using your console without an SD card, or if you don’t have one, you might need to clean house once in a while.
There are two ways to delete games on the Switch. You can either delete them, which will take all your game save data with it, or you can “archive” them. Archiving a game will delete all of the game data (which takes up the bulk of the space on your console) but leave your game saves where they are. That way, if you download the game again in the future, you don’t have to start over.
This is important because your game saves are only stored on your console. Nintendo doesn’t sync your game saves, let you back them up, or even copy them to your SD card. If you delete a game from your console, your game save is gone forever. So if you haven’t played Breath of the Wild for a bit and want to delete it to make room for something else, archive it instead. For that reason we almost always recommend archiving instead of deleting games if you ever want to come back to them.
If a game is installed on your Switch’s internal storage, you’ll also need to archive it in order to move it over to your SD card. Start by inserting your SD card, then archive the game you want to move. Once it’s gone, re-download the game from the eStore and…
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