Author: Jennifer Allen / Source:

Good coffee starts with fresh ground coffee. A good coffee grinder can cost a mint—but it doesn’t have to. We’ve tracked down our top picks for electric coffee grinders that won’t break the bank.
Coffee grinders come in two major flavors: blade grinders and burr grinders.
We’ve focused on burr grinders because they are superior to blade grinders in every way. Blade grinders are quick and cheap, but they produce an uneven grind which means an inconsistent flavor for you. Regardless of what kind of coffee preparation method you’re using, consistency in grind size is critical for good flavor extraction.Burr grinders capture the beans between the two burrs, crushing them with incredible uniformity, and producing a more consistent blend of ground coffee as a result. It’s more expensive than a blade grinder, but the results are worlds better. Life’s too short for bad coffee, right?
When it comes to burr grinders, slower is better. Cheaper models run fast and, as a result, hot—which transfers heat into the beans and has the potential to alter the flavor. All of our picks feature slower grind speeds to avoid this issue.
The absolute top-tier premium burr grinders are incredibly expensive (some are in the realm of a mortgage payment and change). That doesn’t mean there aren’t great picks on the more budget friendly side of things though. None of the devices here cost over $150 but they’re still well regarded models that are perfect for daily use. We’ve narrowed things down according to your potential needs too, so you don’t have to spend time figuring out what works best for your situation.
Here’s our pick of electric coffee grinders.
Best High Value Budget Pick: Baratza Encore Conical Burr Coffee Grinder ($138)

In an ideal world, this should be the budget electric coffee grinder that everyone purchases. The Baratza Encore is widely regarded as the go to solution for everyone who wants high quality electric grinding in their home—the entire line of Baratza grinders is full of excellent values and the Encore is no exception.
The device has 40 individual grind settings, ranging from fine to coarse, with plenty of ways to fine-tune and get things exactly how you like them. An efficient motor means that overheating is never an issue, even when grinding for an extended period, and it’s rather quiet too. It has a bean hopper capacity of 227g with a grounds bin capacity of 142g, so it’s a decent size, plus it’ll grind at up to 1.1g per second. It’s seriously hard to find fault in this grinder, especially at this…
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