Ever heard somebody talking about the mystical unicorn girl? Ever wonder what that means? Well, a unicorn girl is that perfect someone who always seems to be just out of reach, out of your league, and unattainable. In short, she is your soulmate and you should stop at nothing to have her in your life.
Because your unicorn girl is only yours, she is unique. Her uniqueness means that her specific traits cannot be listed, she cannot be defined. Remember, a unicorn girl is no cookie-cutter replica of anyone else. Everyone has his or her own unicorn girl or boy and it can be hard to track them down.
For all you know, you’ve already met your unicorn girl. Not sure? Keep reading. We’re going to lay out some of the signs that you may have already met your special someone and you just don’t realize it yet.
Trust us, you don’t want to go through your whole life wondering if you missed out on the opportunity to be with the perfect life partner. Can you imagine marrying the wrong person because you didn’t know how to spot your unicorn girl when she was right before your eyes? Don’t let that happen to you. Don’t let your life become full of “what could have been” doubts.
Signs You’ve Already Met the Unicorn Girl
Start thinking about some of your current relationships as you read over the signs. Anybody stick out to you?
1. The two of you can sit comfortably in silence.
You don’t feel the need to fill those awkward silences because there aren’t any. You are comfortable in each other’s company and that is all that matters.
2. You don’t feel pressured to…
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