Source: wikiHow
There is nothing more fun than pulling a harmless prank on a friend, sibling, or roommate. Prank your friends by covering their car in sticky notes or messing with their hand sanitizer. Alternatively, create a culinary nightmare with Oreo cookies and toothpaste and feed it to your victims.
If you want to prank a sibling or roommate, tape a bug cutout to the inside of a lamp shade or salt their toothbrush.- 1 Choose someone to prank. Choose someone that you’re close to that has a similar sense of humor, such as a parent, a teacher, a sibling, or a close friend. Avoid pranking someone that you don’t know very well. They may misunderstand your prank and think that you’re picking on them. Other people to avoid include:
- A parent that’s stressed out and distracted
- The new kid at your school
- Someone that you don’t usually get along with
- 2 Brainstorm ideas. Find a pen and a piece of paper. Choose a comfortable, distraction-free place to sit and think.[1] Next, write down any idea that comes into your head. Don’t worry about whether the idea is good or bad. Instead, focus on writing down as many ideas as possible.
- 3 Discard any mean or dangerous ideas. Your prank shouldn’t hurt anyone’s feelings or put anyone in danger.[2] If so, it’s no longer a “harmless” prank. Some examples of dangerous or hurtful situations include:
- Ruining a possession that matters a lot to someone
- Involving sharp objects or fire in your prank
- Making someone angry by scaring them
- Putting them at risk for suffocation or hyperventilation by trapping them
- 4 Choose your best idea. The best prank will be funny, harmless, and realistic to execute. Additionally, the joke should be big enough to be surprising, but not so big that they become suspicious.[3] Choose ideas that:
- Prank the person in their comfort zone, so that they’re not suspecting anything
- Don’t require too much setup
- Will be funny to you and to the person you prank
- 5 Plan your…
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