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Art Bell, whose ‘Coast to Coast AM’ radio show reveled in the paranormal, dies at 72

Author: Elizabeth Zwirz / Source: Fox News

Art Bell, seen in this March 1997 photo, died Friday, Nye County Sheriff Sharon Wehrly confirmed. Bell's fans may pause to mull the significance of his having passed on Friday the 13th, of all days.

Radio host Art Bell, famous for his show “Coast to Coast AM” and its “X-Files”-flavored focus on the paranormal, died Friday (his fans will note, that was Friday the 13th) at the age of 72, Nevada authorities confirmed Saturday.

Bell died at his Pahrump, Nev.

, home, Nye County Sheriff Sharon Wehrly announced in a Facebook post to the community. She described him as a “longtime resident” of the area and said an autopsy to confirm the cause of death would be performed later this week.

“Coast to Coast AM” confirmed the news on

, saying its staff was “profoundly saddened with the news that the creator and original host of Coast to Coast AM, Art Bell, has passed away at the age of 72.”

We are profoundly saddened with the news that the creator and original host of Coast to Coast AM, Art Bell, has passed away at the age of 72 at his home in Pahrump, Nevada. A full obituary will be posted soon…

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